Latest Promoter's Activity Alert Promoter(Buy/Sell) : Diamond Power Infrastructure and Jayant Agro Organics on 03 Jun 2024

Promoter(Buy/Sell) : Diamond Power Infrastructure and Jayant Agro Organics on 03 Jun 2024

Today’s major promoter deals are listed below where the clients Gsec Limited And Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi played a major role. Let’s uncover them to stay abreast of the latest dynamics in the trading world.

Company Promoter Buy/Sell Qty Traded Price Mode Dates Traded(%) Before Per(%) After Per(%) Price Change
Som Distilleries & Breweries Limited JAGDISH KUMAR ARORA Buy 20K 123.12 Market Purchase 03/06/24 To 03/06/24 +0.01 20.39 20.4 -6.57
SOM DISTILLERIES & BREWERIES LTD. Jagdish Kumar Arora Buy 20K 123.12 Market Purchase 03/06/24 To 03/06/24 +0.01 20.39 20.40 -6.57
Usha Martin Limited NIDHI RAJGARHIA Sell 5250 365 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 very low 0.09 0.09 -0.48
USHA MARTIN LTD. Nidhi Rajgarhia Sell 5250 365 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 very low 0.09 0.09 -0.48
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited GSEC Limited Sell 1M 855.73 Market Sale 28/05/24 To 31/05/24 -2.44 35.11 32.67 -5.86
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited-$ GSEC Limited Sell 1M 855.73 Market Sale 28/05/24 To 03/06/24 -2.44 35.11 32.67 -5.59
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited Monarch Infraparks Private Limited Sell 1M 854.92 Market Sale 28/05/24 To 31/05/24 -2.44 13.28 10.84 -5.86
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited-$ Monarch Infraparks Private Limited Sell 1M 854.92 Market Sale 28/05/24 To 03/06/24 -2.44 13.28 10.84 -5.59
Vivanza Biosciences Ltd Parth Hemant Parikh Sell 72K 6.17 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.18 42.43 42.25 -1.54
SYBLY INDUSTRIES LTD.-$ MAHESH CHAND MITTAL Sell 400K 7 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 -4.36 7.13 2.77 -6.54
SRI KPR INDUSTRIES LTD. N RAJESHWAR REDDY Sell 16K 0 Market Sale 27/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.08 0.27 0.19 -16.22
SRI KPR INDUSTRIES LTD. HEMANTH REDDY GADDAM Sell 20K 0 Market Sale 11/03/24 To 03/06/24 -0.1 0.11 0.01 +27.28
Raymond Limited Shephali Ruia Sell 5000 2198.6 Market Sale 29/05/24 To 31/05/24 -0.01 0.2 0.19 +2.82
Raymond Limited Shephali Ruia Sell 5000 2224 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 31/05/24 -0.01 0.19 0.18 +1.8
RAYMOND LTD. Shephali Ruia Sell 5000 2198.6 Market Sale 29/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.01 0.20 0.19 +4.92
RAYMOND LTD. Shephali Ruia Sell 5000 2224 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.01 0.19 0.18 +3.87
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel Buy 15K 564.6 Market Purchase 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 +0.08 13.13 13.21 +0.79
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel Buy 20K 568.25 Market Purchase 03/06/24 To 03/06/24 +0.09 13.21 13.3 -0.71
LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel Buy 15K 564.6 Market Purchase 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 +0.08 13.13 13.21 +0.79
LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel Buy 20K 568.25 Market Purchase 03/06/24 To 03/06/24 +0.09 13.21 13.30 -0.71
Jayant Agro Organics Limited Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi Buy 40K 0 Inter-se-Transfer 30/05/24 To 31/05/24 +0.13 very low 0.13 -3.03
Jayant Agro Organics Limited Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi Sell 40K 0 Inter-se-Transfer 30/05/24 To 31/05/24 -0.13 0.13 very low -3.03
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi Sell 40K 0 Inter-se Transfer 30/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.13 0.13 very low -4.46
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi Buy 40K 0 Inter-se Transfer 30/05/24 To 03/06/24 +0.13 very low 0.13 -4.46
Jayant Agro Organics Limited Yatin V Udeshi Buy 4000 0 Inter-se-Transfer 30/05/24 To 31/05/24 +0.01 very low 0.01 -3.03
Jayant Agro Organics Limited Yatin V Udeshi Sell 4000 0 Inter-se-Transfer 30/05/24 To 31/05/24 -0.01 0.01 very low -3.03
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. Yatin V Udeshi Sell 4000 0 Inter-se Transfer 30/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.01 0.01 very low -4.46
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. Yatin V Udeshi Buy 4000 0 Inter-se Transfer 30/05/24 To 03/06/24 +0.01 very low 0.01 -4.46
Ashika Credit Capital Ltd ASHIKA GLOBAL SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED Buy 28K 58.14 Market Purchase 30/05/24 To 03/06/24 +0.24 29.25 29.49 +4.82
Vivanta Industries Ltd Parth Hemant Parikh Sell 500K 3.97 Market Sale 31/05/24 To 03/06/24 -0.39 7.79 7.40 -4.26

Today’s major promoter deals are listed below where the clients Gsec Limited And Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi played a major role. Let’s uncover them to stay abreast of the latest dynamics in the trading world.Som Distilleries & Breweries Limited company’s 20K of shares have been purchased by promoter JAGDISH KUMAR ARORA at a price of ₹123.12 per share directly from the market in between 03-Jun-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 20.39%. After purchasing an additional +0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 20.4%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 6.57 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
SOM DISTILLERIES & BREWERIES LTD. company’s 20K of shares have been purchased by promoter JAGDISH KUMAR ARORA at a price of ₹123.12 per share directly from the market in between 03-Jun-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 20.39%. After purchasing an additional +0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 20.4%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 6.57 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Usha Martin Limited company’s 5250 of shares have been sold by promoter Nidhi Rajgarhia at a price of ₹365 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.09%. After selling 0% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.48 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
USHA MARTIN LTD. company’s 5250 of shares have been sold by promoter Nidhi Rajgarhia at a price of ₹365 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.09%. After selling 0% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.48 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter GSEC Limited at a price of ₹855.73 per share in between 28-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 35.11%. After selling -2.44% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 32.67%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.86 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited-$ company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter GSEC Limited at a price of ₹855.73 per share in between 28-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 35.11%. After selling -2.44% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 32.67%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.59 from 03/06/24 to the present date.

Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter Monarch Infraparks Private Limited at a price of ₹854.92 per share in between 28-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.28%. After selling -2.44% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 10.84%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.86 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited-$ company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter Monarch Infraparks Private Limited at a price of ₹854.92 per share in between 28-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.28%. After selling -2.44% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 10.84%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.59 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Vivanza Biosciences Ltd company’s 72K of shares have been sold by promoter PARTH HEMANT PARIKH at a price of ₹6.17 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 42.43%. After selling -0.18% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 42.25%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 1.54 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
SYBLY INDUSTRIES LTD.-$ company’s 400K of shares have been sold by promoter Mahesh Chand Mittal at a price of ₹7 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 7.13%. After selling -4.36% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 2.77%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 6.54 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
SRI KPR INDUSTRIES LTD. company’s 16K of shares have been sold by promoter N RAJESHWAR REDDY at a price of ₹0 per share in between 27-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.27%. After selling -0.08% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.19%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 16.22 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
SRI KPR INDUSTRIES LTD. company’s 20K of shares have been sold by promoter HEMANTH REDDY GADDAM at a price of ₹0 per share in between 11-Mar-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.11%. After selling 0.1% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 27.28 from 11/03/24 to the present date.
Raymond Limited company’s 5000 of shares have been sold by promoter Shephali Ruia at a price of ₹2198.6 per share in between 29-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.2%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.19%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 2.82 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Raymond Limited company’s 5000 of shares have been sold by promoter Shephali Ruia at a price of ₹2224 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.19%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.18%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 1.8 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
RAYMOND LTD. company’s 5000 of shares have been sold by promoter Shephali Ruia at a price of ₹2198.6 per share in between 29-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.2%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.19%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 4.92 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
RAYMOND LTD. company’s 5000 of shares have been sold by promoter Shephali Ruia at a price of ₹2224 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.19%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.18%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 3.87 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited company’s 15K of shares have been purchased by promoter Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel at a price of ₹564.6 per share directly from the market in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.13%. After purchasing an additional +0.08% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 13.21%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 0.79 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited company’s 20K of shares have been purchased by promoter Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel at a price of ₹568.25 per share directly from the market in between 03-Jun-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.21%. After purchasing an additional +0.09% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 13.3%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.71 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. company’s 15K of shares have been purchased by promoter Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel at a price of ₹564.6 per share directly from the market in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.13%. After purchasing an additional +0.08% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 13.21%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 0.79 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. company’s 20K of shares have been purchased by promoter Munjal Mahendrabhai Patel at a price of ₹568.25 per share directly from the market in between 03-Jun-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 13.21%. After purchasing an additional +0.09% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 13.3%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.71 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Jayant Agro Organics Limited company’s 40K of shares have been inter-transferred to the promoter Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0%. After purchasing an additional 0.13% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.13%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.03 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Jayant Agro Organics Limited company’s 40K of shares have been inter-transferred by the promoter Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.13%. After transferring 0.13% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.03 from 30/05/24 to the present date.
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. company’s 40K of shares have been sold by promoter Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.13%. After selling 0.13% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 4.46 from 30/05/24 to the present date.
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. company’s 40K of shares have been purchased by promoter Pushpa Vijaysinh Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0%. After purchasing an additional 0.13% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.13%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 4.46 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Jayant Agro Organics Limited company’s 4000 of shares have been inter-transferred to the promoter Yatin V Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0%. After purchasing an additional 0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.01%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.03 from 31/05/24 to the present date.
Jayant Agro Organics Limited company’s 4000 of shares have been inter-transferred by the promoter Yatin V Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 31-May-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.01%. After transferring 0.01% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.03 from 30/05/24 to the present date.
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. company’s 4000 of shares have been sold by promoter Yatin V Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.01%. After selling 0.01% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 4.46 from 30/05/24 to the present date.
JAYANT AGRO-ORGANICS LTD. company’s 4000 of shares have been purchased by promoter Yatin V Udeshi at a price of ₹0 per share in between 30-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0%. After purchasing an additional 0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.01%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 4.46 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Ashika Credit Capital Ltd company’s 28K of shares have been purchased by promoter ASHIKA GLOBAL SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED at a price of ₹58.14 per share directly from the market in between 30-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 29.25%. After purchasing an additional +0.24% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 29.49%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 4.82 from 03/06/24 to the present date.
Vivanta Industries Ltd company’s 500K of shares have been sold by promoter PARTH HEMANT PARIKH at a price of ₹3.97 per share in between 31-May-2024 to 03-Jun-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 7.79%. After selling -0.39% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 7.4%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 4.26 from 03/06/24 to the present date.

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