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Company | Promoter | Buy/Sell | Qty Traded | Price | Mode | Dates | Traded(%) | Before Per(%) | After Per(%) | Price Change |
Pritika Auto Industries | Harpreet Singh Nibber | Sell | 1M | 26.65 | Market Sale | 30/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -1.14 | 44.12 | 42.98 | -2.39 |
GNA Axles | RANBIR SINGH | Buy | 425K | 0 | Off Market | 26/09/24 To 30/09/24 | +0.99 | 34.23 | 35.22 | -2.49 |
KEERAT SEEHRA | Sell | 425K | 0 | Off Market | 26/09/24 To 30/09/24 | -0.99 | 0.99 | very low | -2.49 | |
GNA GEARS LIMITED | Sell | 26K | 458.02 | Market Sale | 18/09/24 To 30/09/24 | -0.06 | 0.06 | very low | +4.67 | |
Shivalik Bimetal Controls | Manjit Kaur | Sell | 264K | 610.6 | Inter-se-Transfer | 27/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -0.46 | 0.46 | very low | +3.96 |
Jaspal Singh Dhillon | Sell | 6000 | 610.6 | Inter-se-Transfer | 30/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -0.01 | 0.01 | very low | +2.22 | |
Sumer Ghumman | Buy | 270K | 610.6 | Inter-se-Transfer | 27/09/24 To 01/10/24 | +0.46 | 6.78 | 7.24 | +3.96 | |
Angad Sandhu | Sell | 456K | 610.6 | Inter-se-Transfer | 27/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -0.79 | 0.79 | very low | +3.96 | |
Hilton Metal Forging | Mohak Yuvraj Malhotra | Buy | 100K | 55 | Preferential Offer | 27/09/24 To 01/10/24 | +0.42 | 0.01 | 0.43 | -2.63 |
Shyam Century Ferrous | Rajesh Kumar Agarwal | Sell | 30K | 17.26 | Market Sale | 25/09/24 To 27/09/24 | -0.02 | 1.22 | 1.2 | -0.24 |
Bhawna Agarwal | Sell | 538 | 17.15 | Market Sale | 25/09/24 To 27/09/24 | -0.01 | 0.38 | 0.37 | -0.24 | |
Prataap Snacks | Premlata Kumat | Sell | 500K | 0 | Gift | 26/09/24 To 28/09/24 | -2.09 | 2.34 | 0.25 | – |
Salasar Techno Engineering | ALOK KUMAR | Sell | 1M | 20.7 | Market Sale | 24/09/24 To 27/09/24 | -0.09 | 4.76 | 4.67 | -7.78 |
SHIKHAR FABTECH PVT LTD | Sell | 1M | 20.4 | Market Sale | 24/09/24 To 27/09/24 | -0.1 | 5.59 | 5.49 | -7.78 | |
Signpost India | Pramina Suchanti | Sell | 39K | 257.79 | Market Sale | 30/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -0.08 | 0.43 | 0.35 | -0.37 |
Pramina Suchanti | Sell | 23K | 279.74 | Market Sale | 27/09/24 To 30/09/24 | -0.04 | 0.47 | 0.43 | +1.52 | |
Vipul | PUNIT BERIWALA | Sell | 372K | 1 | Market Sale | 27/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -0.26 | 5.32 | 5.06 | +0.92 |
PUNIT BERIWALA | Sell | 2M | 1 | Market Sale | 30/09/24 To 01/10/24 | -1.57 | 5.06 | 3.49 | +9.59 |
Today’s major promoter deals are listed below where the clients Punit Beriwala And Harpreet Singh Nibber played a major role. Let’s uncover them to stay abreast of the latest dynamics in the trading world.Pritika Auto Industries Limited company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter HARPREET SINGH NIBBER at a price of ₹26.65 per share in between 30-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 44.12%. After selling -1.14% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 42.98%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 2.39 from 01/10/24 to the present date.
GNA Axles Limited company’s 425K of shares have been purchased by promoter RANBIR SINGH at a price of ₹0 per share in between 26-Sep-2024 to 30-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 34.23%. After purchasing an additional +0.99% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 35.22%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 2.49 from 30/09/24 to the present date.
GNA Axles Limited company’s 425K of shares have been sold by promoter KEERAT SEEHRA at a price of ₹0 per share in between 26-Sep-2024 to 30-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.99%. After selling 0.99% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 2.49 from 26/09/24 to the present date.
GNA Axles Limited company’s 26K of shares have been sold by promoter GNA GEARS LIMITED at a price of ₹458.02 per share in between 18-Sep-2024 to 30-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.06%. After selling 0.06% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 4.67 from 18/09/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 264K of shares have been inter-transferred by the promoter MANJIT KAUR at a price of ₹610.6 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.46%. After transferring 0.46% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 3.96 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 6000 of shares have been inter-transferred by the promoter JASPAL SINGH DHILLON at a price of ₹610.6 per share in between 30-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.01%. After transferring 0.01% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 2.22 from 30/09/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 270K of shares have been inter-transferred to the promoter SUMER GHUMMAN at a price of ₹610.6 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 6.78%. After purchasing an additional +0.46% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 7.24%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 3.96 from 01/10/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 456K of shares have been inter-transferred by the promoter ANGAD SANDHU at a price of ₹610.6 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.79%. After transferring 0.79% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 3.96 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Hilton Metal Forging Limited company’s 100K of shares have been purchased by promoter MOHAK YUVRAJ MALHOTRA as a Preferential Offer at a price of ₹55 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.01%. After purchasing an additional +0.42% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.43%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 2.63 from 01/10/24 to the present date.
Shyam Century Ferrous Limited company’s 30K of shares have been sold by promoter RAJESH KUMAR AGARWAL at a price of ₹17.26 per share in between 25-Sep-2024 to 27-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 1.22%. After selling -0.02% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 1.2%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.24 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Shyam Century Ferrous Limited company’s 538 of shares have been sold by promoter BHAWNA AGARWAL at a price of ₹17.15 per share in between 25-Sep-2024 to 27-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.38%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.37%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.24 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Prataap Snacks Limited company’s 500K of shares have been gifted by the promoter PREMLATA KUMAT at a price of ₹0 per share in between 26-Sep-2024 to 28-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 2.34%. After gifting -2.09% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.25%.
Salasar Techno Engineering Limited company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter ALOK KUMAR at a price of ₹20.7 per share in between 24-Sep-2024 to 27-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 4.76%. After selling -0.09% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 4.67%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 7.78 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Salasar Techno Engineering Limited company’s 1M of shares have been sold by promoter SHIKHAR FABTECH PVT LTD at a price of ₹20.4 per share in between 24-Sep-2024 to 27-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 5.59%. After selling -0.1% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 5.49%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 7.78 from 27/09/24 to the present date.
Signpost India Limited company’s 39K of shares have been sold by promoter PRAMINA SUCHANTI at a price of ₹257.79 per share in between 30-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.43%. After selling -0.08% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.35%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.37 from 01/10/24 to the present date.
Signpost India Limited company’s 23K of shares have been sold by promoter PRAMINA SUCHANTI at a price of ₹279.74 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 30-Sep-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.47%. After selling -0.04% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.43%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 1.52 from 30/09/24 to the present date.
Vipul Limited company’s 372K of shares have been sold by promoter PUNIT BERIWALA at a price of ₹1 per share in between 27-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 5.32%. After selling -0.26% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 5.06%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 0.92 from 01/10/24 to the present date.
Vipul Limited company’s 2M of shares have been sold by promoter PUNIT BERIWALA at a price of ₹1 per share in between 30-Sep-2024 to 01-Oct-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 5.06%. After selling -1.57% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 3.49%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 9.59 from 01/10/24 to the present date.