Delivery Breakout Delivery Share Breakouts : United Interactive , Stanrose Mafatlal Investments & Fin and Others: 22-May-2024

Delivery Share Breakouts : United Interactive , Stanrose Mafatlal Investments & Fin and Others: 22-May-2024

On 22-May-2024, Delve into insights on stock delivery breakouts across various companies,like Beml , United Interactive , Stanrose Mafatlal Investments & Fin, Tainwala Chemicals & Plastics , Fiberweb (india) , First Custodian Fund (india) , Wsfx Global Pay .
Company Name Initial Breakout Date Initial Delivery Value Final Breakout Date Final Delivery Value Delivery (In %) Breakout Current Price High Price(52 W) Low price (52 W) Marketcap
Beml May 17, 2024 2,080,846.10K 22-May-2024 2,122,358.77K 14.59% 5 Years Rs4553.9 Rs4680 Rs1400 18,964.49 Cr
United Interactive May 21, 2024 1,100.20K 22-May-2024 1,176.01K 100% 1 Year Rs102.44 Rs102.44 Rs42.75 18.76 Cr
Stanrose Mafatlal Investments & Fin May 23, 2022 7,802.19K 22-May-2024 10,210.52K 45.6% 5 Years Rs97.89 Rs108.15 Rs72.6 38.84 Cr
Tainwala Chemicals & Plastics Dec 07, 2023 26,013.32K 22-May-2024 27,513.02K 68.71% 1 Year Rs197.85 Rs197.85 Rs106 185.26 Cr
Fiberweb (india) Jan 10, 2024 36,924.62K 22-May-2024 60,470.36K 24.87% 1 Year Rs41.41 Rs45.11 Rs27.17 119.23 Cr
First Custodian Fund (india) Feb 01, 2024 295.17K 22-May-2024 469.12K 62.52% 1 Year Rs64 Rs66 Rs29.45 9.60 Cr
Wsfx Global Pay May 21, 2024 9,115.10K 22-May-2024 31,298.93K 23.31% 5 Years Rs132.99 Rs132.99 Rs33.6 156.17 Cr

Beml demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 2,080,846.10K units on May 17, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 2,122,358.77K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 14.59%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs4179.65 and a high of Rs4680, with the current price resting at Rs4553.9. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 18,964.49 crores.
United Interactive demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 1,100.20K units on May 21, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 1,176.01K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 100%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs92.8 and a high of Rs102.44, with the current price resting at Rs102.44. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 18.76 crores.
Stanrose Mafatlal Investments & Fin demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 7,802.19K units on May 23, 2022, the delivery volume escalated to 10,210.52K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 45.6%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs94.1 and a high of Rs108.15, with the current price resting at Rs97.89. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 38.84 crores.
Tainwala Chemicals & Plastics demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 26,013.32K units on Dec 07, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 27,513.02K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 68.71%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs173 and a high of Rs197.85, with the current price resting at Rs197.85. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 185.26 crores.
Fiberweb (india) demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 36,924.62K units on Jan 10, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 60,470.36K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 24.87%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs37.49 and a high of Rs43.85, with the current price resting at Rs41.41. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 119.23 crores.
First Custodian Fund (india) demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 295.17K units on Feb 01, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 469.12K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 62.52%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs57.95 and a high of Rs64.05, with the current price resting at Rs64. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 9.60 crores.
Wsfx Global Pay demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 9,115.10K units on May 21, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 31,298.93K units by 22-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 23.31%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs121.1 and a high of Rs132.99, with the current price resting at Rs132.99. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 156.17 crores.

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