Delivery Breakout Delivery Share Breakouts : , Reliance Mutual Fund-permitted and Others: 30-May-2024

Delivery Share Breakouts : , Reliance Mutual Fund-permitted and Others: 30-May-2024

On 30-May-2024, Delve into insights on stock delivery breakouts across various companies,like R R Kabel , , Reliance Mutual Fund-permitted, Ndl Ventures .
Company Name Initial Breakout Date Initial Delivery Value Final Breakout Date Final Delivery Value Delivery (In %) Breakout Current Price High Price(52 W) Low price (52 W) Marketcap
R R Kabel Sep 20, 2023 11,390,315.42K 30-May-2024 19,377,154.49K 92.04% 5 Years Rs1717.15 Rs1903.3 Rs1137.6 19,372.67 Cr
Reliance Mutual Fund-permitted Oct 26, 2023 2,219,472.82K 30-May-2024 3,013,110.36K 89.6% 1 Year Rs250.25 Rs256.75 Rs200 19,372.67 Cr
Ndl Ventures Jan 15, 2024 17,881.31K 30-May-2024 96,897.00K 99.92% 1 Year Rs93.3 Rs164 Rs88.15 314.16 Cr

R R Kabel demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 11,390,315.42K units on Sep 20, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 19,377,154.49K units by 30-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 92.04%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs1701.45 and a high of Rs1820.8, with the current price resting at Rs1717.15. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 19,372.67 crores.
Reliance Mutual Fund-permitted demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 2,219,472.82K units on Oct 26, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 3,013,110.36K units by 30-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 89.6%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs249.53 and a high of Rs252.41, with the current price resting at Rs250.25. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 19,372.67 crores.
Ndl Ventures demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 17,881.31K units on Jan 15, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 96,897.00K units by 30-May-2024, marking a delivery rate of 99.92%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs92.6 and a high of Rs94, with the current price resting at Rs93.3. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 314.16 crores.

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