Delivery Breakout Delivery Share Breakouts : Manaksia Aluminium Company , Kaya and Others: 13-Jun-2024

Delivery Share Breakouts : Manaksia Aluminium Company , Kaya and Others: 13-Jun-2024

On 13-Jun-2024, Delve into insights on stock delivery breakouts across various companies,like Capital Trade Links , Manaksia Aluminium Company , Kaya , Vasudhagama Enterprises , Power Mech Projects , Aarnav Fashions , Taal Enterprises , Ecs Biztech , Shangar Decor , Matrimonycom .
Company Name Initial Breakout Date Initial Delivery Value Final Breakout Date Final Delivery Value Delivery (In %) Breakout Current Price High Price(52 W) Low price (52 W) Marketcap
Capital Trade Links Jan 12, 2022 22,506.45K 13-Jun-2024 42,051.72K 90.25% 5 Years Rs43.52 Rs53.52 Rs19.51 265.38 Cr
Manaksia Aluminium Company Jan 25, 2024 21,294.73K 13-Jun-2024 28,987.81K 97.44% 5 Years Rs29.75 Rs45.55 Rs21.5 194.96 Cr
Kaya Jul 07, 2021 128,064.69K 13-Jun-2024 333,605.79K 17.02% 5 Years Rs390.2 Rs395.9 Rs267.05 509.76 Cr
Vasudhagama Enterprises Dec 19, 2023 7,384.97K 13-Jun-2024 8,487.04K 100% 1 Year Rs36.65 Rs36.65 Rs6.17 62.17 Cr
Power Mech Projects May 03, 2023 1,022,258.45K 13-Jun-2024 2,292,384.56K 69.97% 5 Years Rs5166.1 Rs5544 Rs3140.9 8,166.65 Cr
Aarnav Fashions Jan 15, 2024 20,565.11K 13-Jun-2024 52,269.04K 77.97% 1 Year Rs36.07 Rs38.5 Rs24.6 152.35 Cr
Taal Enterprises Dec 18, 2023 47,650.59K 13-Jun-2024 50,852.49K 64.38% 1 Year Rs2893.95 Rs3571 Rs1725 901.85 Cr
Ecs Biztech Jun 12, 2024 1,835.84K 13-Jun-2024 2,732.84K 85.38% 1 Year Rs11.7 Rs11.89 Rs5.92 24.05 Cr
Shangar Decor Apr 29, 2024 3,816.66K 13-Jun-2024 4,902.73K 100% 1 Year Rs7.2 Rs7.42 Rs2.92 8.81 Cr
Matrimonycom Feb 12, 2024 190,415.04K 13-Jun-2024 341,863.00K 87.53% 1 Year Rs627.7 Rs720 Rs499 1,397.29 Cr

Capital Trade Links demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 22,506.45K units on Jan 12, 2022, the delivery volume escalated to 42,051.72K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 90.25%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs36.05 and a high of Rs44.5, with the current price resting at Rs43.52. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 265.38 crores.
Manaksia Aluminium Company demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 21,294.73K units on Jan 25, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 28,987.81K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 97.44%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs29.25 and a high of Rs31.27, with the current price resting at Rs29.75. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 194.96 crores.
Kaya demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 128,064.69K units on Jul 07, 2021, the delivery volume escalated to 333,605.79K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 17.02%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs340.25 and a high of Rs390.2, with the current price resting at Rs390.2. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 509.76 crores.
Vasudhagama Enterprises demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 7,384.97K units on Dec 19, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 8,487.04K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 100%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs35.32 and a high of Rs36.65, with the current price resting at Rs36.65. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 62.17 crores.
Power Mech Projects demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 1,022,258.45K units on May 03, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 2,292,384.56K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 69.97%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs4730 and a high of Rs5379.95, with the current price resting at Rs5166.1. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 8,166.65 crores.
Aarnav Fashions demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 20,565.11K units on Jan 15, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 52,269.04K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 77.97%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs34 and a high of Rs36.75, with the current price resting at Rs36.07. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 152.35 crores.
Taal Enterprises demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 47,650.59K units on Dec 18, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 50,852.49K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 64.38%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs2600 and a high of Rs3100, with the current price resting at Rs2893.95. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 901.85 crores.
Ecs Biztech demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 1,835.84K units on Jun 12, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 2,732.84K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 85.38%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs10.6 and a high of Rs11.89, with the current price resting at Rs11.7. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 24.05 crores.
Shangar Decor demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 3,816.66K units on Apr 29, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 4,902.73K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 100%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs7.03 and a high of Rs7.38, with the current price resting at Rs7.2. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 8.81 crores.
Matrimonycom demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 190,415.04K units on Feb 12, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 341,863.00K units by 13-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 87.53%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs613.05 and a high of Rs643.55, with the current price resting at Rs627.7. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 1,397.29 crores.

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