Delivery Breakout Delivery Share Breakouts : Jindal Poly Films , Vardhman Holdings and Others: 26-Jun-2024

Delivery Share Breakouts : Jindal Poly Films , Vardhman Holdings and Others: 26-Jun-2024

On 26-Jun-2024, Delve into insights on stock delivery breakouts across various companies,like Arvind , Jindal Poly Films , Vardhman Holdings , , Industrial & Prudential Inv Co Lt, Bombay Burmah Trading Corpn , Lynx Machinery & Commercials , Svp Global Textiles , Vedanta , Grasim Industries , Black Box .
Company Name Initial Breakout Date Initial Delivery Value Final Breakout Date Final Delivery Value Delivery (In %) Breakout Current Price High Price(52 W) Low price (52 W) Marketcap
Arvind Mar 15, 2024 869,378.75K 26-Jun-2024 3,376,033.04K 81.63% 5 Years Rs361.4 Rs393.35 Rs124.7 9,455.33 Cr
Jindal Poly Films Aug 30, 2023 106,849.88K 26-Jun-2024 121,741.09K 27.59% 1 Year Rs690.15 Rs743 Rs450 3,021.92 Cr
Vardhman Holdings Jun 18, 2024 29,904.75K 26-Jun-2024 85,235.98K 32.96% 1 Year Rs3725.05 Rs4489.95 Rs2712.65 1,188.86 Cr
Industrial & Prudential Inv Co Lt Jun 06, 2022 17,230.36K 26-Jun-2024 17,641.16K 62.68% 5 Years Rs5645.9 Rs6289 Rs2172 946.16 Cr
Bombay Burmah Trading Corpn Oct 20, 2023 1,171,010.49K 26-Jun-2024 1,192,607.17K 10.67% 1 Year Rs1950.7 Rs2031.9 Rs971.55 13,610.40 Cr
Lynx Machinery & Commercials Jun 10, 2024 68.27K 26-Jun-2024 112.95K 100% 1 Year Rs125.5 Rs125.5 Rs94.77 7.53 Cr
Svp Global Textiles Aug 18, 2023 4,889.32K 26-Jun-2024 5,699.41K 72.16% 1 Year Rs8.2 Rs10.99 Rs5.76 103.73 Cr
Vedanta Nov 23, 2021 76,271,897.16K 26-Jun-2024 123,154,704.34K 61.56% 5 Years Rs442.15 Rs506.85 Rs207.85 164,356.27 Cr
Grasim Industries Jun 25, 2024 7,993,190.17K 26-Jun-2024 9,044,051.58K 71.63% 1 Year Rs2552 Rs2563.65 Rs1698 173,676.39 Cr
Black Box Jun 25, 2024 359,893.71K 26-Jun-2024 413,068.09K 18.16% 3 Years Rs323.85 Rs336.05 Rs120.15 5,441.51 Cr

Arvind demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 869,378.75K units on Mar 15, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 3,376,033.04K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 81.63%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs356.5 and a high of Rs365, with the current price resting at Rs361.4. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 9,455.33 crores.
Jindal Poly Films demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 106,849.88K units on Aug 30, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 121,741.09K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 27.59%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs687.05 and a high of Rs715.4, with the current price resting at Rs690.15. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 3,021.92 crores.
Vardhman Holdings demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 29,904.75K units on Jun 18, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 85,235.98K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 32.96%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs3703 and a high of Rs3950.4, with the current price resting at Rs3725.05. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 1,188.86 crores.
Industrial & Prudential Inv Co Lt demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 17,230.36K units on Jun 06, 2022, the delivery volume escalated to 17,641.16K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 62.68%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs5560 and a high of Rs5711.9, with the current price resting at Rs5645.9. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 946.16 crores.
Bombay Burmah Trading Corpn demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 1,171,010.49K units on Oct 20, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 1,192,607.17K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 10.67%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs1907.85 and a high of Rs1991.85, with the current price resting at Rs1950.7. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 13,610.40 crores.
Lynx Machinery & Commercials demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 68.27K units on Jun 10, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 112.95K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 100%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs125.5 and a high of Rs125.5, with the current price resting at Rs125.5. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 7.53 crores.
Svp Global Textiles demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 4,889.32K units on Aug 18, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 5,699.41K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 72.16%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs7.98 and a high of Rs8.82, with the current price resting at Rs8.2. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 103.73 crores.
Vedanta demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 76,271,897.16K units on Nov 23, 2021, the delivery volume escalated to 123,154,704.34K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 61.56%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs424.5 and a high of Rs446.85, with the current price resting at Rs442.15. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 164,356.27 crores.
Grasim Industries demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 7,993,190.17K units on Jun 25, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 9,044,051.58K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 71.63%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs2509.5 and a high of Rs2563.65, with the current price resting at Rs2552. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 173,676.39 crores.
Black Box demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 3 Years breakout period. Starting at 359,893.71K units on Jun 25, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 413,068.09K units by 26-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 18.16%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs299.4 and a high of Rs336.05, with the current price resting at Rs323.85. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 5,441.51 crores.

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