Delivery Breakout Delivery Share Breakouts : Jain Irrigation Systems , Utl Industries and Others: 10-Jun-2024

Delivery Share Breakouts : Jain Irrigation Systems , Utl Industries and Others: 10-Jun-2024

On 10-Jun-2024, Delve into insights on stock delivery breakouts across various companies,like Andhra Petrochemicals , Jain Irrigation Systems , Utl Industries , Sanofi India , Deccan Cements , Krishna Ventures , Lynx Machinery & Commercials .
Company Name Initial Breakout Date Initial Delivery Value Final Breakout Date Final Delivery Value Delivery (In %) Breakout Current Price High Price(52 W) Low price (52 W) Marketcap
Andhra Petrochemicals May 27, 2024 310,981.91K 10-Jun-2024 483,336.96K 65.83% 5 Years Rs122.55 Rs126.9 Rs58 1,041.33 Cr
Jain Irrigation Systems Sep 09, 2021 764,993.56K 10-Jun-2024 1,578,699.91K 41.61% 5 Years Rs73.73 Rs76.26 Rs38.4 4,921.24 Cr
Utl Industries Jun 07, 2024 2,283.64K 10-Jun-2024 5,992.20K 95.6% 1 Year Rs3.59 Rs3.59 Rs1.51 11.83 Cr
Sanofi India Oct 11, 2023 554,569.31K 10-Jun-2024 638,756.89K 22.86% 1 Year Rs9886.5 Rs10526.05 Rs6759.15 22,769.22 Cr
Deccan Cements Dec 19, 2023 34,065.64K 10-Jun-2024 36,857.47K 60.35% 1 Year Rs644.35 Rs668 Rs466.5 902.57 Cr
Krishna Ventures Feb 02, 2024 54,841.81K 10-Jun-2024 56,544.66K 85.83% 5 Years Rs87.42 Rs118.45 Rs50.66 902.57 Cr
Lynx Machinery & Commercials Dec 18, 2023 49.72K 10-Jun-2024 68.27K 100% 1 Year Rs125.5 Rs125.5 Rs94.77 7.53 Cr

Andhra Petrochemicals demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 310,981.91K units on May 27, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 483,336.96K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 65.83%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs116 and a high of Rs126.9, with the current price resting at Rs122.55. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 1,041.33 crores.
Jain Irrigation Systems demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 764,993.56K units on Sep 09, 2021, the delivery volume escalated to 1,578,699.91K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 41.61%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs67.42 and a high of Rs76.26, with the current price resting at Rs73.73. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 4,921.24 crores.
Utl Industries demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 2,283.64K units on Jun 07, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 5,992.20K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 95.6%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs3.43 and a high of Rs3.59, with the current price resting at Rs3.59. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 11.83 crores.
Sanofi India demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 554,569.31K units on Oct 11, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 638,756.89K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 22.86%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs9630.35 and a high of Rs10526.05, with the current price resting at Rs9886.5. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 22,769.22 crores.
Deccan Cements demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 34,065.64K units on Dec 19, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 36,857.47K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 60.35%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs633.45 and a high of Rs660, with the current price resting at Rs644.35. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 902.57 crores.
Krishna Ventures demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 5 Years breakout period. Starting at 54,841.81K units on Feb 02, 2024, the delivery volume escalated to 56,544.66K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 85.83%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs84.1 and a high of Rs97.55, with the current price resting at Rs87.42. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 902.57 crores.
Lynx Machinery & Commercials demonstrated diverse delivery trends during the 1 Year breakout period. Starting at 49.72K units on Dec 18, 2023, the delivery volume escalated to 68.27K units by 10-Jun-2024, marking a delivery rate of 100%. Throughout this breakout, the stock’s price fluctuated between a low of Rs125.5 and a high of Rs125.5, with the current price resting at Rs125.5. The company’s market capitalization is currently valued at 7.53 crores.

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