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Company | Promoter | Buy/Sell | Qty Traded | Price | Mode | Dates | Traded(%) | Before Per(%) | After Per(%) | Price Change |
COMFORT INTECH -$ | LUHARUKA EXPORTS PVT LTD | Sell | 3M | 14.51 | Market Sale | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.96 | 27.44 | 26.48 | -5.45 |
Rita Finance and Leasing | KIRAN MITTAL | Sell | 61K | 18.85 | Market Sale | 08/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.61 | 26.03 | 25.42 | +7.82 |
KIRAN MITTAL | Sell | 49K | 18.95 | Market Sale | 09/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.5 | 25.42 | 24.92 | +7.35 | |
KIRAN MITTAL | Sell | 126K | 19.42 | Market Sale | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -1.27 | 24.92 | 23.65 | +6.49 | |
Integra Essentia | VISHESH GUPTA | Sell | 24M | 4.67 | Market Sale | 12/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -2.3 | 20.81 | 18.51 | +7.6 |
GGAUTOMOTIVE GEARS | BELA GAJRA | Buy | 455K | 45 | Conversion of security | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | +3.87 | 7.47 | 11.34 | -6.24 |
Stel Holdings | Digidrive Distributors Limited | Buy | 21K | 484.76 | Market Purchase | 12/08/24 To 13/08/24 | +0.11 | 0.87 | 0.98 | -3.74 |
RATHI STEEL & POWER -$ | UDIT RATHI | Revoke | 740K | 79.29 | Revocation Of Pledge | 09/08/24 To 14/08/24 | +0.87 | 0.61 | 1.48 | -5.88 |
Pradeep Kumar Rathi | Revoke | 7M | 79.29 | Revocation Of Pledge | 09/08/24 To 14/08/24 | +8.82 | 0.61 | 9.43 | -5.88 | |
Shivalik Bimetal Controls | Satinder Jeet Singh Sandhu | Sell | 864K | 0 | Gift | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -1.5 | 1.5 | very low | -3.85 |
Sumer Ghumman | Buy | 1M | 0 | Gift | 12/08/24 To 14/08/24 | +2.62 | 0.01 | 2.63 | +2.95 | |
Sundram Fasteners | TVS Sundram Fasteners Private Limited | Sell | 3M | 1318 | Others | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -1.57 | 48.36 | 46.79 | -0.57 |
Star Housing Finance | Akme Build Estate Limited | Sell | 200K | 45.25 | Market Sale | 12/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.26 | 0.31 | 0.05 | -5.63 |
SCANPOINT GEOMATICS | Karnavati Infrastructure Projects Limited | Sell | 65K | 0 | Market Sale | 12/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.04 | 6.04 | 6.00 | -0.19 |
Karnavati Infrastructure Projects Limited | Sell | 35K | 0 | Market Sale | 12/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -0.01 | 6.00 | 5.99 | -0.19 | |
Shiva Granito Export | Abhinav Upadhyay | Sell | 140K | 14 | Market Sale | 13/08/24 To 14/08/24 | -1.06 | 3.97 | 2.91 | +7.07 |
Today’s major promoter deals are listed below where the clients Vishesh Gupta And Pradeep Kumar Rathi played a major role. Let’s uncover them to stay abreast of the latest dynamics in the trading world.COMFORT INTECH LTD.-$ company’s 3M of shares have been sold by promoter LUHARUKA EXPORTS PVT LTD at a price of ₹14.51 per share in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 27.44%. After selling -0.96% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 26.48%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.45 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Rita Finance and Leasing Ltd company’s 61K of shares have been sold by promoter KIRAN MITTAL at a price of ₹18.85 per share in between 08-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 26.03%. After selling -0.61% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 25.42%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 7.82 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Rita Finance and Leasing Ltd company’s 49K of shares have been sold by promoter KIRAN MITTAL at a price of ₹18.95 per share in between 09-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 25.42%. After selling -0.5% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 24.92%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 7.35 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Rita Finance and Leasing Ltd company’s 126K of shares have been sold by promoter KIRAN MITTAL at a price of ₹19.42 per share in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 24.92%. After selling -1.27% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 23.65%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 6.49 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Integra Essentia Limited company’s 24M of shares have been sold by promoter VISHESH GUPTA at a price of ₹4.67 per share in between 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 20.81%. After selling -2.3% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 18.51%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 7.6 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
G.G.AUTOMOTIVE GEARS LTD. company’s 455K of shares have been purchased by promoter BELA GAJRA at a price of ₹45 per share in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 7.47%. After purchasing an additional +3.87% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 11.34%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 6.24 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Stel Holdings Limited company’s 21K of shares have been purchased by promoter Digidrive Distributors Limited at a price of ₹484.76 per share directly from the market in between 12-Aug-2024 to 13-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.87%. After purchasing an additional +0.11% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 0.98%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.74 from 13/08/24 to the present date.
RATHI STEEL & POWER LTD.-$ company’s 740K of shares have been sold by promoter UDIT RATHI at a price of ₹79.29 per share in between 09-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.61%. After selling +0.87% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 1.48%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.88 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
RATHI STEEL & POWER LTD.-$ company’s 7M of shares have been sold by promoter PRADEEP KUMAR RATHI at a price of ₹79.29 per share in between 09-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.61%. After selling +8.82% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 9.43%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.88 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 864K of shares have been gifted by the promoter SATINDER JEET SINGH SANDHU at a price of ₹0 per share in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 1.5%. After gifting 1.5% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 3.85 from 13/08/24 to the present date.
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited company’s 1M of shares have been gifted to the promoter SUMER GHUMMAN at a price of ₹0 per share in between 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.01%. After purchasing an additional +2.62% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 2.63%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 2.95 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Sundram Fasteners Limited company’s 3M of shares have been sold by promoter TVS Sundram Fasteners Private Limited at a price of ₹1318 per share in offline market in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 48.36%. After selling -1.57% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 46.79%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.57 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Star Housing Finance Ltd company’s 200K of shares have been sold by promoter AKME BUILD ESTATE LIMITED at a price of ₹45.25 per share in between 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 0.31%. After selling 0.26% of shares , they have almost exited the from the company.The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 5.63 from 12/08/24 to the present date.
SCANPOINT GEOMATICS LTD. company’s 65K of shares have been sold by promoter Karnavati infrastructure Projects Limited at a price of ₹0 per share in between 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 6.04%. After selling -0.04% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 6%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.19 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
SCANPOINT GEOMATICS LTD. company’s 35K of shares have been sold by promoter Karnavati infrastructure Projects Limited at a price of ₹0 per share in between 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 6%. After selling -0.01% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 5.99%. The negative price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has decreased by 0.19 from 14/08/24 to the present date.
Shiva Granito Export Ltd company’s 140K of shares have been sold by promoter ABHINAV UPADHYAY at a price of ₹14 per share in between 13-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024. Initially, their total percentage of shares was 3.97%. After selling -1.06% of shares, their total percentage of shares amounted to 2.91%. The positive price fluctuation shows that the price of the asset has increased by 7.07 from 14/08/24 to the present date.